Parent Testimonial from Pastor Chad Haygood
How a Classical Education Uniquely Prepares Students for Unexpected Life Circumstances, and Hillsdale Academy's Collaboration with Zion Classical Academy by Dr. David Diener
"Geronimo, Amen!: Part 1" (How the Classical Christian Education Revolution Began in America)
"Geronimo, Amen!: Forging a New Path" (What Makes a Classical Christian Education So Different)
"What if Everyone had a Classical Education" by Rebekah Hagstrom
"What is Classical Education?" by Martin Cothran, Memoria Press Editor
Online Resources
1. An excellent 46-page introduction to Classical Education by Dr. Christopher Perrin:
2. Dorothy Sayers’ essay on the Trivium – the catalyst for the classical school movement in America:
Download: "The Lost Tools of Learning"
"The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had" by Susan Wise Bauer
"The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Classical Christian Education" by Kevin Clark & Ravi Scott Jain
"Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America" by Andrew Kern and Gene Edward Veith, Jr.
"The Abolition of Man" by C.S.Lewis
"The Case for Classical Education" by Douglas Wilson
"Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning" by Douglas Wilson
"The Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation" by Pete Hegseth & David Goodwin