Lower Elementary
We are busy learners in our lower elementary classrooms! God is the center of our curriculum while we learn about courses on Religion, Music, Art, P.E., Math, English, Literature, History, Geography and Science. We use a complete and chronological world history curriculum that aligns its timelines with the Bible. Our reading curriculum emphasizes phonics and follows the grammar stage of the trivium. We use lots of songs, actions, and various other manipulatives to help students learn. Students are constantly growing spiritually, intellectually and physically.
We take several educational and recreational field trips throughout the year, to venues such as the Hastings Museum, Scarecrow Patch, Stuhr Museum, Edgerton Explorit Center, etc. There are many other fun activities that our school does throughout the year, including our Christmas program, school musical, National Lutheran Schools Week celebration, Grandparents/Special Persons Day, Track & Field Day, and much more.