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Classical Education

Education is more than the transference of knowledge, it is the transmission of values, culture, and the proper ordering of loves.

– Kevin Clark & Ravi Jain, The Liberal Arts Tradition

Why Classical Christian Education?

Classical Education teaches students how to live well and virtuously through an emphasis on developing the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). Character education is crucial, especially when we are the leading industrialized nation in college dropouts.

Furthermore, 47% of jobs will vanish in the next 25 years (sax Oxford University researchers) and 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't been invented yet (according to a recent report from Dell Technologies). Therefore, it is vitally important to give our children the skills to be employable in any career field. Self-control and virtue should be among the top priorities for parents and schools because character matters just as much or more than academic achievement. At Zion Classical Academy, we strive not only for a culture of discipleship among our students, but also within the families we serve.

Classical Schools use children's God-given strengths at each stage of growth to help them learn (the trivium):

Grammar: Lower elementary years. Fundamentals and facts are emphasized through intense memorization and repetition by use of songs, chants, actions, drills, and various other mnemonics.

Logic: Upper elementary years. Students analyze knowledge through critical thinking. Teachers facilitate thoughts and discussions on deeper issues so that students begin to explore the questions of "why" and "how."

Rhetoric: Begins in middle school. Students build upon the data learned in the Grammar stage and the reasoning skills gained in the Logic phase to express themselves eloquently and persuasively, in writing and in speech.

Classical Christian schools teach all subjects based on the principle that God is the Creator of all that exists. Wisdom and virtue are taught through the study of the liberal arts. The Socratic method is often employed during the logic and rhetoric stages. Our curriculum includes:

  • memorization of Bible verses

  • phonics-based reading curriculum

  • the Great Books

  • writing, spelling, grammar, and speech

  • traditional math and English composition

  • Christian-based science curriculum

  • history as a coherent story

  • music, art, and P.E. classes

  • Latin

For more detailed information, read the PDF below or contact Zion at 402-462-5012.

Character Student Outcomes


While enrolled at Zion, students will…

  • Grow in relationship with Christ and learn to share that faith with others.

  • Build social skills.

  • Participate regularly in church and chapel services.

  • Learn to appreciate the historical and contemporary influences of the Gospel.

  • Study Scripture in order to understand its importance and influence in daily life.

  • Develop Christian character attributes:

    • Despect and obey both God and earthly authority. (Romans 5:19, Ephesians 6:1-4)

    • Love God and all people. (Psalm 86)

    • Respect God above all. (Romans 13:7)

    • Persevere through life’s struggles with Godly strength. (James 1:25)

    • Demonstrate self-control in thought, word, and deed. (Proverbs 25:28)

    • Remain faithful to God through worship, obedience, and service. (Matthew 25:21)

    • Act and speak honestly in all situations. (Proverbs 24:26)

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